ЦерковьWhere is baby Jesus? Овечка не хочет религии, ей нужен Иисус ) Рубрика: ЦерковьТеги: 2-Year-Old Sheep in Children’s Nativity Steals Baby Jesus2-Year-Old Sheep in Children’s Nativity Steals Baby Jesus But Mary Fights Back Kids are fairly no-nonsense They don’t have all the preconceived notions that adults entertainA sheep steals baby Jesus from Mary in the midst of the Nativity SceneAdorable little girl 'kidnaps' baby Jesus during Nativity play to become star of the showBut Mary Fights BackMary tussle over baby Jesus in children's pageant gone hilariously awryNativity scene played by toddlers goes very badlySheepThe story of the nativity of Jesus has been passed down for centuries but it got an unexpectedly hilarious twist involving what else a dancing sheep during a recent Christmas pageantThis children's nativity took an unexpected turn when a sheep ran off with the baby Jesus. But Mary was not about to let either child go without a fight!Where is baby JesusНавигация по записямПредыдущаяПредыдущая запись:Места Писания о СпасенииСледующаяСледующая запись:Ночная молитва, 08.12.17Похожие записиВоскресное служение 20.05.201821.05.2018Воскресное служение, 13.05.18 Александр Гизбрехт21.05.2018Ночная молитва, 11.05.201821.05.2018Воскресное служение, 07.05.201821.05.2018Что будет, если перестать ходить на молитву?21.05.2018Пастор Вадим Монах, служение в г. Борисполь, 29.04.2018, ц. Преображение21.05.2018